Here is the third and final part of the digital marketing glossary. Thank you for your feedback; please suggest any additional terms you think of them. Paid Media: Here you pay (usually for time or space) to take advantage of a third-party channel. Trade shows, outdoor advertising, pay-per-click advertising on websites and search engines, newspapers, television, radio, magazines, signage, movie screens, sponsorships, direct mail, etc., are all paid media. Paid media is often important for creating awareness, a first step in generating demand. Pay-per-click (PPC, also known as cost-per-click): is an Internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites from search engines, ad networks, content websites and blogs . You only pay the publisher when your ad is clicked.
With search engine advertising, advertisers typically bid on how much they will pay per click for the keyword phrases in their ads. Content sites typically charge a fixed price per click rather than using an auction system. Permission marketing: An implied permission occurs when someone shares their email address with you as part of normal marketing communications (such as filling out a form to employee data register for a webinar). (Adapted from Email Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold)Personalization: Traditionally, this is an email marketing targeting tactic in which an email appears to have been created for only one specific recipient.
Techniques include adding the recipient's name in the subject line or body of the message, fixing known issues, suggesting a product the recipient viewed on your website, referencing history transactions, etc. Privacy Policy: "A clear description of how your company uses email addresses and other information it collects through newsletter sign-up requests, company information, or offers from third parties or 'other functions. If you rent, sell, or trade your list to someone outside of your company, or add email addresses to unsubscribe messages, you must disclose this in the privacy policy.