which continued to control two thirds of Congress and even showed relative autonomy against Morales, a refugee in Argentina. In parallel, the government of Jeanine Áñez showed its difficulties in governing, in the midst of the "black swan" of the mobile phone number list covid-19 pandemic. Finally, the "hidden vote" in favor of more was imposed on the "useful vote" in favor of Mesa and caused a 180-degree turn in Bolivian politics. In this interview, the journalist and political mobile phone number list analyst Pablo Ortiz,
in charge of special reports in the newspaper mobile phone number list El Deber de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, analyzes the results and the new situation, both nationally and in Santa Cruz. To begin with, the unavoidable question is how to explain the mobile phone number list results of October 18 and, above all, the margin of victory of mas .
The first thing that jumps out at you is that the government and State proposal of the mostShe wasn't as exhausted as many believed. Probably what was mobile phone number list exhausted was the long leadership of Evo Morales and his intention to stay in power beyond what the Constitution says. It is likely that Bolivians have developed stronger support for institutions and laws throughout this time than could have been anticipated, and this even exceeds the probable popularity that Morales retains.