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Apr 07, 2022
In General Discussions
与客户的关系是公司成功的基础。 塔丽塔·巴蒂斯塔 18 年 4 月 16 日 | 11 分钟阅读 客户成功经理的战略角色 这就是为什么公司越来越多地投资,电话号码清单 不仅提供良好的服务或拥有产品,而且通过与客户的良好关系来保证质量体验。 关于客户幸福和满意度的说法很多,但您是否考虑过客户真正想要的是什么? 他们不想通过成为客户而感到高兴或感到满足,他们希望在购买您的产品或服务时实现他们的目标。 这就是客户成功的数字 - 或客户成功。这种新颖性最近进入市场,彻底改变了公司看待与客户关系的方式,不仅关注他们想要什么,而且关注最重要的事情:客户。 如果您有兴趣了解更多关于这个行业的信息,请查看我们的文章并了解为什么客户成功是您职业生涯的绝佳选择! 啊,如果您是一名专业人士,希望了解有关客户成功的更多信息,并且正在考虑是否值得在该领域进行投资,那么您将在这里找到答案。 什么是客户成功或客户成功? 关于这个概念,我们可以坚持林肯墨菲的定义(客户成功的一个参考,因为这个术语和活动开始在市场上形成): “客户成功是当您的客户通过与您的公司互动达到预期结果时” 该术语最初应用于 SaaS 公司,用于指定一个专业人员,他不仅可以帮助客户以正确的方式使用软件,而且还可以帮助他通过该解决方案取得良好的效果,即在使用该解决方案时取得成功。产品。获得。 客户成功基于客户的成功(顾名思义),这远远超出了每天付款或知道如何使用工具的客户。
Jan 16, 2022
In General Discussions
HSTS technology should only be implicit if you secure the correct operation of the https protocol on all pages of your site. You can apply the HTTP Strict Transport Security header or add the HSTS feature in your hosting account to enable automatic forwarding to a secure connection.What is HSTS supportBy entering a domain name in the address bar of a browser without https protocol or in the "" format, you are transported to an unsecured version of the site. The SSL certificate cannot secure the connection when you access a page for the first time. Online scammers use this weak point to harvest users' personal data and transfer it to fake pages.HSTS is an algorithm that encrypts the connection between the browser and the server. Using the Strict Transport . Security HTTP header secures the connection for a set period. The response header informs the browser that websites can only be accessed over the HTTPS protocol.The main purpose of HSTS is to secure the connection; Yet there are a number of conditions Cyprus Mobile Number List that keep the client at risk: reinstallation of the operating system;reinstall the browser;visiting a certain site for the first time;use another browser;login from a new device such as a tablet;HSTS period expired;release cash.Using the http protocol results in an unsecured connection on the first visit to the site. Most of the time, redirecting to a safe site version is done only after you have visited a certain web resource.To fix the problem, Google created a preload list. When a user wants to access a certain site, the browser first searches for the required address in the list and then connects the client to the server using a secure protocol. You can submit your site to the preload list by submitting a request: HSTS Preload List Submission. Active HSTS technology will not allow access to the site with an expired SSL certificate or in case the algorithm has detected inaccessible pages with a secure connection. There is no way for a browser to avoid an encrypted connection with HSTS.Getting your site excluded from the preload list is quite complicated. If you decide that your website should no longer be included in the list, simply submit a request. However, it takes more than three months for Chrome and even longer for other browsers to get the answer.In addition, your site will be inaccessible to users while waiting for the response. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you think about your final decision before adding the website to the preload list. You should only act if you are determined to use https on your website permanently.With the working algorithm, the browser will only show sites with the https protocol enabled. In case a user enters a domain name beginning with http in the address bar, the browser will automatically forward to https . The HSTS mechanism is intended to decrease the number of unencrypted connections and to minimize the theft of cookies and personal data.


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